We are now well into the growing season. I’m sure that everyone who has a home with a yard and garden knows the amount of work that goes into just keeping it nice, let alone improve and add things. Now, what if you had to take care of a neighbor’s yard and garden. Hmmm? Twice as much work? Yes, more effort is needed but now there is also a time management problem. Just not enough hours in the week to get all things done.
- Garden 2013-06-06
Well, that is my situation. I have a garden at home that needs attention. We have 2 plots at Rose Tree Community Gardens where our community enterprise is. I can’t even keep up with plot #48, our main garden, let alone start taking care our plot #59 (a plot now with most of it overgrown with weeds about a foot and a half high). Rain is good but it also causes the weeds and undesirables to grow and prosper, more so than the plants. Much and continuous weeding is needed so that the new plants (and old ones) have room to grow and are not choked out.
The joy of gardening! I am getting better in being able to last longer and longer each time I got to the garden. But that also depends upon the weather. Cool weather is great for doing work. Hot and humid is not!!!
So, we’re learning. Phase I of a gardening project to get the ground ready, purchase seeds, and schedule the planting is important and pretty much complete. Phase II of taking care of the garden throughout the season is in full swing and a bit overwhelming, but very worthwhile.